Eczema Myths: 21 Outrageous Myths About Eczema, Debunked!

There are many myths about eczema. The only problem is that many people believe them. Since eczema is a condition that can negatively impact your mental state, these myths can be dangerous. While the condition itself is not, it can take a toll on your mental health. That can result in you becoming depressed and it may lead to isolation. It’s critical to learn more about these eczema myths so you don’t fall for them and accept the fallacies.

What are some of the most common myths associated with eczema? One is that eczema is caused by dirty skin. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Even if you shower each day, there is a real possibility that you’re going to experience eczema. You should also know that this condition is not like acne. While they share some similarities, they’re not one in the same. Other common ones are that eczema causes asthma, leads to allergies, and goes away on its own. These all have been proven to be false.

So, what are other myths that you should know about? You’ll find out in the comprehensive article below.

#1 The Condition Is Contagious

Many people believe that eczema is contagious. When they spot someone with this skin condition, they’ll do everything possible to stay away from them. This isn’t true. While there are some contagious skin conditions, eczema is not one of them. Instead, it’s thought to be genetic. It cannot be spread by contact. Skin conditions that are contagious include scabies, athlete’s foot, ringworm, and impetigo. This is one of the most common eczema myths and it creates a stigma against people who have this condition.

You can hang out with people with eczema without any risks whatsoever. Even if you touch the rash on their arm or leg, you’re not going to develop eczema. The primary cause of eczema is not known but the evidence shows that it’s not spread from person to person. This is something you won’t have to worry about.

#2 It Runs In The Family

One of the most common myths about eczema is that the condition runs in the family. Many believe that it’s possible to pass eczema down through generations. While there’s some truth to this, it isn’t entirely accurate. If your parents have eczema, you’ll be at a higher risk of developing the skin condition too. If you have eczema, it doesn’t mean that your children will have it. They might but they might not. The condition is thought to be genetic, and this means that family history will increase your risks. Just remember that there are ways to reduce your child’s chances of developing it.

Since you know that your child is prone to eczema, you should begin taking precautions immediately. The best way to do that is by utilizing a moisturizer on your baby’s skin. It’s estimated that 60% of these cases will show up during the baby’s first year. Use moisturizer and cross your fingers. If it doesn’t show up, your child likely avoided it.

#3 Eczema Is Curable

It’s common for people to think that eczema is curable. This is an optimistic thought, but it isn’t accurate. Unfortunately, researchers have never been able to discover the cause of eczema. Therefore, they don’t know what can cure it either. However, there is some hope for people who have this skin condition. While you cannot completely cure the condition for good, you can put a stop to the symptoms, and you’ll want to do just that.

There are many ways to deal with the stinging and itching. By using the right treatments, you’ll be able to stop the eczema symptoms and make them disappear. While you’ll still have eczema, you won’t be able to tell, and nobody else will either. The rashes will disappear, and it’ll appear that you do not have a problem at all. You should start by utilizing a moisturizer. This is your best defense against eczema.

#4 Stress Is The Cause

Stress is very problematic. Too much stress can take a toll on you mentally and physically. It’s pertinent to do everything you can to limit your stress levels. And, you need to make sure that you’re using safe outlets. Nevertheless, you should know that stress isn’t the cause of eczema. It can inflame the problem and make it worse, but it’s not the cause. When you become stressed out, you’re going to be much more likely to scratch your rashes. Deal with the stress and your condition will improve.

#5 Only One Person Suffers

One of the most frustrating eczema myths is that only one person is going to suffer. It is easy to see why people think this way. However, it’s false. Only one person in the household might have the skin condition. Still, it will impact everyone in the household in one way or another. If you have eczema, there is a good chance that you’re going to take some type of medication. That medication may make you irritable or drowsy. Your attitude could have an impact on your loved ones.

Plus, it’s frustrating to watch a loved one suffer. Your family members will hate watching you fight back the urge to scratch and not being able to do anything about it. Suffice to say, you’re not the only one who is going to suffer.

#6 It’s All Superficial

It’s true that some people are too hung up on their looks. They’ll take their fashion and appearance too far. This is something you must be careful about. However, this has nothing to do with eczema. It is not a superficial issue. This is one of the most harmful myths about eczema. Why? It causes people to ignore their problem and let it go. They don’t get treatment and that causes the problem to worsen. Eczema is painful and frustrating. The problem goes well beyond your appearance.

#7 It’ll Go Away On Its Own

It’s often believed that eczema will disappear on its own after a little while. Some rashes will but eczema will not. Your condition might get better during the spring or fall. However, it’s still going to stick around. It’ll not improve unless you treat the problem. You cannot afford to sit around and wait for the problem to heal on its own because it will not. You need to keep your skin properly moisturized. You should try natural remedies too. Either way, you should not believe that it’s going to get better on its own.

#8 You Cannot Improve The Appearance Of Your Skin

Attempting to remedy eczema is going to be difficult. Some forms are slightly easier to deal with than others. This leads many to believe that their skin’s appearance is never going to get better. This is another one of those harmful eczema myths that need to be shattered. You need to understand that things can get better. If you keep your skin moisturized, you can make it better. You might be able to make the symptoms disappear completely.

If you’re able to do that, your skin’s appearance will improve, and nobody will be able to tell that you have eczema.

#9 Eczema Is Eczema

It’s essential to understand that there are many types of eczema. Not all eczema is going to be the same. While the symptoms might be similar, the best treatment option will depend on the specific type of eczema you’re dealing with. If you try to treat eczema-like it’s a simple issue, you’re not going to get desirable results. You must pinpoint the specific type of eczema you’re dealing with and go from there. Either way, there are multiple kinds, and this is something to consider.

Before you scroll, Check out this article! It goes over all the types of eczema one may be dealing with.

#10 The Best Treatment Is Medication

This is by far one of the most ridiculous myths about eczema out there. Today, a lot of people believe that there is a pill to solve everything. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Pills can be helpful when you have no other options. However, you should not rely solely on pharmaceuticals or over the counter pills. They should be your last resort; I repeat, your last. After all, they pose many risks and you’re better off avoiding them whenever possible. Pills can be beneficial, but you should try to rely on them for a short period of time. Try using natural remedies to combat the problem.

You’ll also want to moisturize and protect your skin when you go out in the sun. Changing your lifestyle can help just as much, if not more, than medications.

#11 Gluten Is The Problem

During the past few years, gluten has developed a bad reputation. Many believe that gluten is the problem for everything. Therefore, many people are making the switch to a gluten-free diet. Ultimately, this can be helpful for many purposes. However, it’s not the key to all your problems. This isn’t the case with eczema. Removing gluten from your diet is not going to do much for your eczema. There are far more effective treatments out there.

You only need to get rid of gluten from your diet if you have celiac disease or some type of gluten sensitivity. Most people don’t.

#12 Swimming Is Off Limits

There is a possibility that you’re going to feel odd about swimming with eczema. There’s nothing holding you back. As mentioned above, this skin condition is not contagious. Therefore, you’re not going to spread it to anyone else by swimming. However, you must be careful about exposing yourself to chlorine. It could cause your problem to worsen. You can solve this problem by applying moisturizer to your skin before jumping in. There are even some eczema sufferers who say chlorine makes their skin feel way better. With time and patience, you can get your body accustomed to the chlorinated water.

Then, you’ll be able to swim without any problems.

#13 You’re Going To Outgrow It

Ultimately, some people may outgrow eczema. Well, you might outgrow the symptoms. Eczema will never go away. Many babies will develop eczema at a young age. After a few years, the condition will all but disappear. They’ll still have eczema, but they won’t notice any of the symptoms. However, eczema will still be there, and it could flare back up in the future. That being said, you’re not going to suddenly outgrow it.

Before you go, Click here to check out the article “Will my child ever outgrow eczema” to get a more in-depth understanding of this topic.

#14 It Doesn’t Impact Newborns As Much

It’s often believed that eczema isn’t going to impact many babies or young children. This is another one of those eczema myths running rampant. Eczema can impact everyone! At the same time, it’s very common for babies and children. It is said that this is one of the most common diseases for young children. It has been estimated that more than 400 million young kids and babies will be affected by eczema. Therefore, it’s far more common than most people could ever imagine.

However, it isn’t too tough to combat. If you provide your child with the proper treatments, they’ll be able to get rid of the symptoms for good. While the symptoms may disappear, there is always a risk that they’re going to return in the future.

#15 Milk Is The Problem

Many mothers and fathers are worried about their baby’s diet. It’s easy to see why. Putting together a sufficient diet for your child can be tough. Therefore, a lot of people are worried that milk could be a problem. You can give your child breast milk without any concerns. It’s not going to cause eczema. However, baby formula could be problematic. It may result in eczema flare-ups. This is the case because it may contain cow’s milk or soy milk.

If your child is allergic to either, it could result in problems. However, the milk itself is not going to lead to the development of eczema.

#16 It Leads To Other Allergies

It’s very common for young children to develop allergies. It seems that they’re more vulnerable to allergies than older children, teens, and adults. Some toddlers will develop eczema and other allergies. This will lead parents to believe that the other allergy problems are linked to eczema. This is a fallacy. Eczema is a problem in its own right. It’s not going to cause your child to develop other allergy issues. Still, you should attempt to deal with the problem as quickly as possible.

#17 It Can Cause Asthma

Tons of parents have been led to believe many myths about eczema. The most common you’ll hear is that asthma and eczema are connected to one another. They share one similarity that gives them this misconception. It’s common for both conditions to begin showing signs when your child hits 2 years old. Both will become more visible during this period of your child’s life. However, it’s not true that eczema is going to lead to asthma. It’s possible for children to have asthma without having eczema and vice versa.

Therefore, you should not overreact when your child develops one or the other. Get medical assistance immediately to address the problem and wait to see what happens.

#18 Natural Plant Remedies Are The End All, Be All

There are many things that you can do to combat eczema. During the past few years, more emphasis has been placed on natural remedies especially those that use plants. It’s easy to see why. More and more people are becoming skeptical of pharmaceuticals. Well, you should be cautious around those natural plant remedies. They can indeed help. However, they’re not going to help everyone. At the same time, there’s a risk that the plants will cause more harm than good.

You must understand that some people will have an allergic reaction to certain plant materials. Therefore, you need to be very careful when dealing with these plants. If you encounter something that you’re allergic to, the problem is going to worsen. Be cautious or you might regret using these natural remedies in the future.

#19 Always Use Steroid Creams

When someone is suffering from eczema, they’ll want to remedy the problem quickly and conveniently. After all, the symptoms can be horrible, and they’ll turn a good day, into a bad one. The good news is that there are many ways to offset the symptoms. One way to do that is by using topical steroid creams. These creams are effective, but they should not be your number one choice. They’ll help, but you must rely on safer alternatives too.

The problem is that using topical steroid creams for too long can create problems. They’re not a flawless solution and this is something you should know. If you’re going to be using these creams, you should do so moderately. Otherwise, they may end up causing numerous problems in the future. Use them temporarily and you should be okay.

#20 You Shouldn’t Have Pets

Some people believe that pets are a big no-no for people who have eczema. This is another myth. In reality, dogs and cats are not the cause of the problem. Pets can create some problems though. Pet dander can cause a lot of allergy problems. However, this isn’t going to cause the problem in the first place. You need to find out what is causing the flare-up.

If pet dander causes your eczema symptoms to get worse, you will have to reconsider your decision to bring a dog or cat home with you. Otherwise, you should be fine.

#21 It’s A Child’s Disease

Some diseases primarily target young children. Once you’ve aged a bit, you’re no longer going to worry about it. This might be accurate for some diseases but not all. One thing to note is that eczema can impact anyone and everyone. Once you’ve developed eczema, it’s going to stick around for the rest of your life. The symptoms might disappear once you’ve hit a certain age, but they could come back at any time. Therefore, it’s not a child’s disease. It’s a disease that can cause problems for people of all ages.


Unfortunately, there are many myths about eczema. It’s a shame that so many people believe these myths. After all, it convinces them that they should stay away from people with eczema. Or, it may prevent them from getting the help that they need. You need to familiarize yourself with these myths and learn the facts. The best way to remedy the problem is to gain a full understanding of it in the first place. Once you’ve done that, you’ll have a much better idea of how to treat your eczema.

Related Questions

At What Age Does Eczema Go Away?

There is a misconception that eczema is going to go away for good. This is a fallacy. Once you’ve been diagnosed with eczema, you’re going to have it for the rest of your life. The condition will never disappear. However, there is some good news. Some children will experience an improvement in symptoms as they get older. A lot of young babies develop eczema. They’ll suffer from the symptoms for a brief period. Then, the symptoms will disappear, and they won’t have any future problems.

Still, they have eczema and the symptoms could return. For many children, the symptoms will start to improve around the time they turn six. It can vary from child to child though. For some, the symptoms will not improve unless the proper treatments are carried out.

What Stops The Itching Of Eczema?

Besides the appearance of the rash, the most problematic thing about eczema is the itching. For many people, the itching will be unbearable. You won’t be able to tolerate it and you’ll feel compelled to dig into it with your fingernails. This is a big problem because it’s going to make matters worse. This is something you must be cautious about. You need to do something to put a stop to the itching as quickly as possible. Thankfully, there are many ways to stop the itch.

First, you should shower with cooler water. Water that is too hot will dry out your skin, likely worsening the problem. You can try using topical creams. They will help control the itch. You need to think about your environment. Properly managing the humidity and temperature can decrease the severity of the itch. Either way, you need to avoid scratching!

One thought on “Eczema Myths: 21 Outrageous Myths About Eczema, Debunked!

  1. Try coconut oil. My mother used to suffer horribly with eczema to the point where she would bleed. At a very stressful time of her life she had a breakout on both forearms, fingertips to above the elbows. Nothing helped.

    I had learned about coconut oil and sent her a jar. It provided instant relief from the pain and itching. In a couple of weeks she could see healing and in about 6 weeks it was all cleared up.

    You can buy it lots of places, including Amazon. Just be sure to get organic and either cold pressed or water extracted.

    The cheapest stuff is usually solvent extracted, and you do NOT want that!

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