Eczema or Atopic Dermatitis (AD) is a skin condition that affects young children and adults alike, equally common in males and females. The sensitive skin problem that causes dry, flaky or sweaty patches of skin is commonly seen around the arms, legs, back, and face. The condition often gets triggered when the skin surface is exposed to pollen, chemicals, and a change in climate.
There are no specific causes or cures for Eczema, but exposure to extreme climatic conditions aggravates many symptoms. For example, when the weather is hot, your skin becomes sweaty, losing moisture and drying the areas further, which causes the affected area to become itchy. On the other hand, cold weather naturally dries up the skin causing the symptoms to flare-up with scaly, dry, and irritated skin.
These symptoms can be lessened or prevented by using an eczema-safe moisturizer, hydrating and taking supplements or wearing breathable clothes that are comfortable for the weather. However, the most effective way to reduce and prevent eczema symptoms is by adapting to a better climate.
So what is the best overall climate suited for eczema?
There are many types of eczema, and the triggers differ from person to person, it is impossible to pick the perfect temperature. So let us examine the overall climate suited for people suffering from eczema based on hot and cold weather triggers.
Since most people suffering from eczema claim that cold weather flares up the symptoms more than hot weather, due to the result of dry skin, the suitable condition would be places that have the following characteristics:
- Very Low Humidity
Most hot areas have humidity because the air contains more water vapors. Low Humid regions are suitable for eczema because it is warm enough, but the sweat does not evaporate quickly, which means that the amount of moisture you lose in humid weather is way less compared to hot or dry climates.
The sweat caused by humidity is enough to keep your skin moisturized externally so if you continue to keep yourself hydrated throughout the day, your skin will not lose too much moisture.
If your symptoms, however, flare up because of the humidity, it is most likely because your sweat glands are blocked. So frequent exfoliating can ease your skin to help you cool down faster and sweat moderately. You can also use a humidifier at 50% in winter or summer to set a stable temperature inside the homes or working environment.
- Pleasant sunlight
Direct exposure to sunlight is harmful to everyone, but some people with eczema report more flare-ups and inflammation. Places far from the equator receive just enough rays from the sunshine throughout the year. Due to this, some people often stick to indoor activities and wear protective clothing whenever they go out.
However, the sun is an excellent source of Vitamin-D and spending a few minutes in the sun daily can repair skin cells and help you heal better. If you use a moisturizing sunscreen lotion that is eczema-safe, places with moderate sunlight are an excellent choice for treating eczema.
- Mild seasons
Too much heat can cause your skin to break out, whereas; too much cold can cause your skin to dry out, so places with moderate seasons are relatively better than regions with long summers or long winters. While cold temperatures can trigger eczema, too many months in the same environment can eventually be bad for the skin.
Choose a city that has about three to four months of summer and winter, so that by the time your symptoms start to show, another season will have set in and prevented your skin from flaking and itching again.
Avoid staying too long in places where you are not able to control the temperature. Although you might not be ready to abandon your home or workplace completely, you can manage your body temperature by setting the thermostat at a lower temperature and wear layers of slightly warmer and loose-fitting clothes so it will be easier to cool off.
That being said, if you are residing in the US, you must have noticed the variety of climates in this country. While every eczema sufferer has their individual needs and separate triggers, I have listed some of the safest and the worst places for eczema within the US, based on the annual data provided by the National Climatic Data Centre.
Some of the best places to live in the US; if you have eczema
- San Francisco, CA, USA
With an annual humidity of 72%, this place has beautiful weather throughout the year. Compared to other cities, the air pollution in San Francisco is much lesser, which means that there are fewer allergens to trigger eczema symptoms.
- South Florida
Although the place has many sunny days almost throughout the whole year, it is a comfortable city because humidity is not too much and the area has one of the best fall seasons. The temperature ranges from 18C to 21C in summer and does not dip below 9C in the coldest seasons too.
- Austin, Texas
With an average humidity that varies between 84 in the morning to 47 in the evening, the health conscious city of Austin is a suitable state for people suffering from Eczema. The temperature is mostly sunny throughout the year, but with moderate heat and cold seasons.
- Honolulu, Hawaii
Noted as the country’s least polluted state with zero high-ozone days, Honolulu is especially suitable for people whose eczema triggers up in cold weather. The humidity is balanced to moisturize and dry your skin naturally. All you have to do is make sure you have enough sunscreen throughout the day, even while staying indoors.
- Atlanta
Though the place is mostly hot throughout the year, humidity is not extreme, and the weather during October is one of the most beautiful seasons to experience.
- New York City
Being the home of high-density dermatologists, it is also a smoke-free city. The average temperature varies from 9C to 17C and has a high humidity that ranges from 54 to 71 throughout the day, making it one of the most liveable cities for people with Eczema and other sensitive skin problems.
While these cities provide suitable conditions for eczema sufferers to strive for a comfortable and healthy life, other places should be avoided to heal eczema or relocate from to prevent further aggravating of your skin.
We have selected a few cities that are bad for people with eczema within the US due to the extreme hot, cold, dry or windy climates throughout the year.
Some of the worst cities in the US to live with Eczema
- Minneapolis, Minnesota
- Chicago, Illinois
- Boston, Massachusetts
- Las Vegas and Laughlin, Nevada
- Phoenix, Bullhead City and Buckeye, Arizona
- Salt Lake City, Utah
- San Diego and Los Angeles California
- Denver, Colorado
- Death Valley, California
For people considering relocating overseas, here is a solid list of places to consider.
The best places in the world for eczema (Outside of US)
- Sao Paulo, Brazil
Here the humidity is 84% all around the year. There are a number of Eczema Support Networks and Communities that can help you deal with your skin condition.
- Port Elizabeth, South Africa
Besides being humid throughout the year, South Africa leads in spreading awareness through The National Eczema Association to provide suitable conditions for people suffering from eczema.
- Sydney Australia
The warm and pleasant weather in Sydney throughout the year makes it an adaptable climate for eczema sufferers. There are also support and management groups like the Eczema Association of Australia, which provide donations and facilities to treat and prevent the spread of eczema.
- Costa Rica
The Coastal Areas of Costa Rica have a reasonably moderate level of humidity and mild climate throughout the year. The hot days are accompanied by a cold sea breeze which prevents eczema flare-ups.
- Athens, Greece
With many days of sunshine and a stable level of humidity, the coastal areas of Greece also provide relief and comfortable weather for people healing from sensitive skin caused by eczema.
- Las Palmas, Spain
Not extremely hot or cold, and no sudden change in temperature, the vegetation and quality of life on an average is reasonably high in Spain, making it one of the safest places for eczema sufferers, such as you and I.
Other counties like Portugal, Southern Italy, Cyprus, India and South East Asian countries also have a moderate climate and medium level of humidity. The atmosphere, diet, lifestyle and air quality in various regions of these countries improve skin conditions by allowing you to sweat without feeling sticky, or cool without freezing.
On the other hand…
Some of the worst countries to settle when you are suffering from eczema
- United Kingdom
- Canada
- Russia
- Iceland
- Iran
- Ireland
- Australia (except for Sydney)
- Philippines
These places have unpredictable weather. The climate is either extremely hot or cold and windy. Most of the areas in these countries also have very high humidity in the summer and dry weather in the winters, which aggravate dry skin. The seasons in these regions are also either too short or too long. The fluctuating climate in these regions makes it hard for people to adapt, causing stress and trauma on the skin.
My Closing Thoughts
Wherever you currently live or choose to live, you should always do your own due diligence and put your medical issues as the TOP Priority. Make sure to connect with people in your local area who may have eczema, see how they have dealt with it. Joining Groups or making a friendly Pen Pal never hurt anyone.
I would love to hear your feedback. Where do you currently live? How’s it been treating your eczema?
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I never had any problems with my skin til July and I have been itching for 6 mos. I live in Austin now but I am from Michigan. Was indeed surprised Michigan wasn’t on the list with Chicago and Minnesota! The dermatologist here at Westlake Dermatology suggested a quick fix (prednisone/steroid cream/Benadryl) which causing more problems than getting the bottom of the intensed itch and fare ups that I get first two weeks of the month!!! After all the blood work/biopsy/meds from a so called dermatologist, I decided to itch my way to a more natural and healthier path for my chronic eczema. Currently, I am seeing a Chinese Doctor, I hope the herbal tea treatment and his wisdom will stop this madness….
Hi Zoe, my wife is having a lot of problems. Have you seen a change? How is Austin weather helping?
I live inHouston, Tx . I am a native Houstonian but my flare ups are more intense now than ever. Nothing works. Only when I am not in Houston is when my skin is great. I had an appointment today and my demotologist suggested that I relocate.
About 2 years ago I moved back to Auckland NZ from Sydney Australia. Was living in Sydney for about 6 years. Had a few minor flare-ups while in Sydney, however always got it under control quickly by using a steroid cream. Flare ups were also usually on the back of a trip home to Wellington NZ.
Since living in Auckland my skin has been the worst I’ve ever experienced. Getting it in new places and not improving with a range of methods, creams, vitamins, diets etc. Basically getting out of control.
Think Sydney was a good place to live for an Eczema sufferer, probably helped that I was swimming a lot in the ocean as well.
Sydney is pretty good, but don’t ever move to Melbourne. I’ve lived in Melbourne for the last ten years and my skin has never been this bad as it is in the last decade. I’ve tried everything from creams,diets, natural remedies and nothing seems to stick. Seriously considering relocating back home to New York where my skin hardly ever had a flare up.
I live in Ahmedabad. Been suffering from atopic dermatitis since childhood. The climate is too cold in the winters(around 8-14° min) while in summers it gets (40-45). This article helped me alot as i am planning to study my post graduation abroad. I’m considering Sydney at the moment. But i wanted to know whether Denmark, Italy, Germany, Netherlands and Sweden are options worth considering.
Why is Atlanta on your best AND worst list? Shouldn’t it be one or the other…
Thanks for catching that typo! It’s on the BEST list… Definitely one of the better cities for sure 😀
Thanks for sharing this kind of information!!
I am from the north of Spain (where the climate is more similar to UK than typical Spanish cities) and lately I’ve been having some of my worst flare ups recently, I was thinking it could be because of the climate since I moved back here from the Canary islands a year ago. It’s great to see that this makes sense. I might consider relocating to one of those cities if I don’t get better
It also helps to see that I’m not alone on this..
I am from Tallahassee, Florida and my eczema flares up sometimes it just depends on the weather. My flares up occur mostly during season change. But the climate here is really not that bad however I do have to keep maintain it or else my eczema will dry out.
My son who has atopic dermatitis and I live in Sao Paulo. We moved here when. He was almost three and he started right away having asthma and flares on his neck, behind the knees.
Now that he is 12 it is much worse his eyes are affected as well, he gets open sores on his eyelids, behind the knees and neck. We went to San Fransisco last year and he got flare ups on his back. We went to Durham in May and it was a miracle in two days most of his skin was healed. There was a sore on his fist that was open for two years and it healed while we were there. It was the best place for him so far.
Hi I’m Rafa Medina I’m from Puerto Rico and I’m currently living in p.r. I was diagnosed with severe Atopic Dermatitis 2hrs. Ago and I HATE IT!!!!!!! would wish with this curse on anyone i would like to know how I can deal with this condition because it is interfearing with my profecional life and personal I’m a chef with over 20 years expirience and i was told i might have to end my cooking job because it does not help any advise?
I will appretiate any advise
Thank you
I’m a long time eczema sufferer. Last year I lived in south Portugal (algarve) for 3 months and all my eczema disappeared, I had NO eczema anywhere for the first time in my life. I came back to England and the itching/flare ups started. Now I’m thinking of moving to Spain, it would have to be Barcelona or I could go Costa Rica. I’d basically go to complete a qualification in teaching English and just live it out there. I’ve had it to my wits end, this country drives my skin insane. It’s winter now and I’m dry as a bone with only diet to help me through and moisturisers, but it isn’t enough. I’ve cried, I get moody, it’s effecting my whole family, I struggle to work full time. I’m fed up, people don’t understand me. I have to leave, living here is driving me insane. :((( God only knows how much suffering I go through, I put my family to stress. I just want to get out!!! I’m just waiting to save enough money to leave. There’s been times that I’ve felt like giving up on life and wished that my life would just end. In Portugal I had no eczema, I didn’t itch, I didn’t scratch because I didn’t itch. It all went away, like a miracle, I could think about other things and felt like I could live my life. I came back to England and suffered, I regretted coming back, I wish I knew that England is one of the worse places to live with eczema. I’m cursed here, how unfortunate am I. What about Germany ? Would that be an okay place to live ? In Heinberg
Have you ever thought of changing your diet? My son has been suffering from severe eczema since he was born. We recently switched his diet and the difference is almost miraculous.
Iman would you be kind to share some of the dietary changes you guys made ?
Hi my son has eczema and he rarely has a flare up. He recently was hospitalized with Kawasaki disease and he had treatment for it. Now were a few weeks later and his skin is terrible. Hes itching and is covered on his entire body. Anyone has experience with a flare up after a illness?
I’m sorry but Atlanta is a terrible place to live if you have eczema especially if it’s severe. From experience the pollen season in the spring and mold spores in the fall makes it the worst for people who suffer with eczema that’s affected by the environment.
I lived in San Diego
For 17 years. Never had a flare up. I have had eczema all my life 65 years and don’t understand why it’s listed as a bad place? I would return but it’s so expensive and flies in the face B of my conservative beliefs.