Can Dog Saliva Help Eczema? Here’s The Truth!

Eczema is a very common medical condition. Unfortunately, it is one of the most embarrassing. This is further complicated by the fact that eczema will cause rough, inflamed patches of skin to develop on some of the most visible portions of the body and face. Sufferers dealing with eczema will realize right away that there are limited solutions out there. Topical creams may or may not work. Therefore, it is often wise to think outside of the box. Is there a possibility that dog saliva can help eczema? Is that fact or fiction? You’ll find out more below.

What Is Eczema?

First and foremost, you should familiarize yourself with the basics of eczema. As mentioned above, it is nothing more than a medical condition. While it is not serious or life-threatening, eczema is downright embarrassing. It can also be very painful. It is very common for this condition to leave the person with itchy, bleeding skin. There is even a possibility that they’re going to develop blisters. It is believed that eczema is sometimes caused by a reaction to irritation. Otherwise, there are no obvious external causes.

With that being said, the unknown nature of eczema makes it very difficult to treat. Dog saliva may be a viable solution to the problem.

The Benefits Of Dog Saliva

Dog owners allow their pooches to lick their face and skin frequently. You probably do so without even thinking about it. You’ve probably noticed that your dog is going to lick his or her wounds as well. If they get cut or nicked, they’ll begin licking the wound right away. This has nothing to do with the smell or taste of blood. In reality, the dog’s saliva possesses many beneficial characteristics and it might even be able to help the wound heal much quicker. More about the benefits of dog saliva will be provided below.

Dog Saliva & Its Antibacterial Properties

So, why are dogs so eager to lick their wounds? Many people believe that canines have limited intelligence. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Dogs understand that their saliva possesses antibacterial properties. It is capable of killing bacteria that could cause the wound to become infected. When you notice your dog licking his or her wound, they’re not enjoying the taste of the blood. They’re cleaning the wound to ensure that it doesn’t become infected and get worse.

However, it should be noted that the same benefits may or may not be passed on to humans. There is always a slim risk that bacteria will be transferred from the dog’s saliva to the human.

Is Dog Saliva Antiseptic?

Since the dog’s saliva contains some antibacterial properties, many people will immediately believe that it is antiseptic too. This means that it would be able to prevent disease-causing microorganisms from growing on the skin. Again, it is true that the saliva is going to work in this manner when it is applied to the dog’s skin. It may have the opposite impact when the saliva is put on human skin. For dogs, the saliva can indeed be used as a disinfectant. It will clean the dog’s cut or rash and prevent further harm in many cases. These same benefits may or may not be passed on to you.

Dog Saliva Healing Promotion

Finally, you should know that there is some belief that dog saliva could potentially help promote healing. In fact, dog saliva has been used for many years as a way to treat various skin conditions, cuts, rashes, and other skin abrasions. It has been reported that Fijian fishermen allowed dogs to lick their wounds in hopes of promoting healing. The Lancet Medical Journal even carried a report regarding dog saliva and wound healing. While there are some potential risks involved, there is plenty of evidence to suggest that dog saliva can indeed be very beneficial for wounds. It may be able to clean the wound and speed up the recovery time.

If you’re going to be using dog saliva to treat your skin problem, you should first familiarize yourself with the pros and cons. Doing so is the best way to determine whether or not your dog’s saliva is a wise choice for you and your problem.

Can Dog Saliva Help Eczema?

Now that you’ve learned about the benefits of dog saliva, you’re probably eager to try it out for yourself. Do not rush forward haphazardly. Doing so could potentially cause more harm than good. The truth of the matter is that dog saliva does indeed possess many health benefits. However, those benefits may only be beneficial to the dog and not to you. In fact, there is some evidence suggesting that your dog is actually going to make your eczema worse. You’ll find out why this is the case below.

Dog Dander And Eczema

While not directly linked to the dog’s saliva, his or her dander could be inflaming your eczema. It is a well-known fact that dogs are going to shed lots of hair and plenty of dander. It will eventually become airborne. The dander will enter your lungs and it will also coat your skin. In some cases, the dander will cause your eczema to worsen. If you notice that your eczema is worse when your dog is around, there is a possibility that the dander is to blame.

Dog Protein And Eczema

It is also true that you’re going to be exposed to your dog’s proteins. Certain unique proteins are found in the dog’s urine and saliva. These proteins can easily be transferred to the dog’s skin and coat. When they lick their hair, these proteins will cling to the hair. Eventually, they’ll be transferred to your skin and that can be problematic for you. These proteins are known for causing allergic reactions. There is also a possibility that they’re one of the main driving factors behind eczema.

The Dog’s Sebum

Finally, you should know that dogs are going to create an oily sebum. Humans do as well. However, the sebum produced by humans is vastly different from the sebum made by canines. The sebaceous glands in dogs are actually located in the skin. They’re responsible for producing and releasing the sebum. They serve the purpose of ensuring that the dog’s skin remains hydrated. It also keeps the skin waterproof. Again, the dog’s sebum is very beneficial to the dog but not so much to the human. In fact, the sebum produced by canines has been linked to eczema. If your dog licks his skin, they’re going to get the sebum on their tongue.

Allow your dog to lick the eczema and the sebum will be transferred to the rash. That will only escalate the problem and make it far worse. The only good thing in this category is the fact that dog sebum tends to be less problematic than cat sebum. Nevertheless, it is not something that you should play around with.

Potential Risks Associated With Dog Saliva

At the end of the day, dog saliva is great for the dog but not for you. At the very least, it could cause your eczema to worsen. In some cases, it will actually lead to even worse problems. Below, you’re going to learn a great deal more about the potential health risks linked to dog saliva.

Dogs And Capnocytophaga Canimorsus

There is a pretty good chance that you’ve never heard of Capnocytophaga Canimorsus. However, you have probably heard of sepsis. Well, this specific bacterium is actually one of the main causes of sepsis. It is very common for people who have been bitten by dogs to develop fulminant sepsis and it is the Capnocytophaga Canimorsus that is to blame. If your dog is licking your eczema, there is always a risk that you’re going to develop sepsis. With that being said, the potential payoff might not be worth it in the long run.

Dogs And Gastrointestinal Disease

As mentioned numerous times throughout this article, dogs are going to benefit from their saliva. You might not. In fact, there is a chance that your dog’s saliva is going to cause you to contract certain gastrointestinal diseases. Your dog’s mouth is unfortunately full of bacteria. No amount of brushing and cleaning is going to change that. That bacteria could prove to be very risky for humans. There are several potential bacteria that could come from your dog’s mouth and cause you serious problems. E. coli, Campylobacter, and salmonella tend to be the most common. The risks are slim, but the potential repercussions are too severe to ignore.

Dog Saliva And Meningitis

Finally, you should know that the dog’s saliva could potentially cause meningitis too. In 2009, a study analyzed newborns with meningitis. It noted that 38 had it and 27 of them developed the problem after being licked in the face by a dog.

Final Thoughts

At the end of the day, there is a possibility that your dog’s saliva could help your eczema. However, there are great risks involved. With that bring said, you probably shouldn’t take the gamble. There are plenty of better ways to deal with eczema.

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